NYS Census – Income
NYS Median Household Income by Municipality
This graphic excludes the following Westchester towns with a median household income above $150k - Scarsdale, New Castle, Pound Ridge, New Castle, Lewisboro and Pelham.
Household Income of Albany County, A Dot Map
2022 NY Assembly Results Map
The R code for making this map can be found here: https://github.com/AndyArthur/2022_ny_election_result_maps/blob/main/NY%20Assembly%20Race%20Results%20Map%20GitHub.R
Median Household Income in New York City
Median Household Income in the Capital Region (2021)
Percentage of Households Making More Then 200k
In most parts of New York, households that bring in more then $200,000 a year is relatively small percentage of the population.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. General Economic Characteristics (2016 ACS, DP03). https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_16_5YR_DP03&src=pt