West Virginia

West Virginia, nestled in the Appalachian region of the United States, captivates with its diverse landscapes, from rolling hills to rugged mountains. This webpage centers on free camping opportunities within the Mongonghella and George Washington National Forests, inviting adventurers to embrace the state’s natural wonders. With a focus on hiking, biking, kayaking, and more, West Virginia offers a spectrum of outdoor activities. The majestic forests and pristine waterways of the national forests provide an idyllic backdrop for camping and exploration. From traversing scenic trails to embarking on cycling escapades, the state caters to various interests. West Virginia’s tranquil lakes and rivers beckon kayakers and water enthusiasts, ensuring unforgettable experiences. Amidst the Appalachian splendor, West Virginia stands as an outdoor haven where nature’s beauty and recreational pursuits harmonize to offer an enriching and memorable adventure.


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North Fork Gap

A narrow gap in North Fork Mountain, which is one range to the east of Dolly Sods and the Applachian Front and west of Petersburg, WV.

South Fork Potomac River in Brake, WV

Rural farming area south of Moorefield, WV known for it's meat chicken production, surrounded by the high hills of Applachia. Brake is named for the family of early landowner Johann Jacob Brake ("Brechtel" in German) who emigrated from southern Germany in the early 18th century. The town once included a sawmill, gristmill, distillery, blacksmith shop, and post office. The original log house used as a post office in the early- to mid-19th century still stands. The Brake Cemetery harbors the remains of Brakes, Simons, Sees, and probably others whose stones have been lost. Brake Falls on Dumpling Run once provided power for the sawmill and gristmill. The Brake family is still around to this day. The family currently resides in Ohio.

Fort Seybert

Good farmland is relatively uncommon in Northern West Virginia. But there is an exception around the valley in Fort Seybert.