Oswegatchie River Campsites – Coordinates and Maps

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Printable Maps of Oswegatchie River Campsites and Lean-Tos

 Oswegatchie River Map 1

 Oswegatchie River Map 2

 Oswegatchie River Map 3 - High Falls

List of Oswegatchie River Campsites and Lean-Tos

Here is a list of Oswegatchie River Campsites and Lean-Tos with coordinates. They are sorted north to south. You can also get this as a Google Sheet for ease of downloading into your GPS.

Oswegatchie River Inlet Parking AreaGravel parking area44.12443118931201,-74.96021183665184
Oswegatchie River Inlet Canoe LaunchHand carry launch. Oswegatchie river44.12409861000839,-74.96006625629072
Oswegatchie River Campsite 46Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.1099997656786,-74.96849666115645
Oswegatchie River Campsite 45Designated campsite. No outhouse. Large White Pine overstory.44.1081261918206,-74.9631088853723
Oswegatchie River Campsite 44Designated campsite. No outhouse. White Pine overstory.44.10274849797629,-74.96679915443202
Oswegatchie River Campsite 43Designated campsite. No outhouse. Nice site under White Pine and hemlock.44.101065191632905,-74.96577985008783
Oswegatchie River Campsite 42Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.09720754685212,-74.96536327814668
Oswegatchie River Campsite 41 BDesignated campsite. Shares full sized outhouse with 41 a.44.0952454709372,-74.96512556000707
Oswegatchie River Campsite 41 ADesignated campsite. Shares full sized outhouse with 41 b.44.09498215224536,-74.96519748460433
Oswegatchie River Campsite 40Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.08981881642045,-74.96686858363239
Oswegatchie River Campsite 39Designated campsite. Shares full sized outhouse with lean-to.44.0845390569362,-74.96829359032023
Griffin Rapids Lean-ToOswegatchie river campsite 38. With full sized outhouse.44.08416539190812,-74.96874797335943
Oswegatchie River Campsite 37Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.081449235808094,-74.96734861635957
Oswegatchie River Campsite 36Appears to be rarely used. Re-signed at campsite, 05/2016.44.08076066223312,-74.96192854447926
Oswegatchie River Campsite 21With full sized outhouse. outhouse needs to be replaced.44.0774668251364,-74.92023479225502
Oswegatchie River Campsite 35Poor campsite on narrow bank along river. No outhouse.44.07631976413254,-74.96192259334101
Oswegatchie River Campsite 20Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.07477874950931,-74.91657391326872
Oswegatchie River Campsite 32Designated site. No outhouse.44.07468487279131,-74.95410705888409
Cage Lake Springhole Lean-ToOswegatchie River Campsite 34 and Buck Brook lean-to. With full sized outhouse.44.07426192277586,-74.96138724158183
Oswegatchie River Campsite 33Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.073391797670325,-74.95643228093942
Oswegatchie River Campsite 19Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.07324092124128,-74.9141633627036
Oswegatchie River Campsite 24Campsite on knob just north of foot bridge.44.073192307051784,-74.92958639526513
Oswegatchie River Campsite 23No obvious outhouse.44.07267707183023,-74.92907367419755
Oswegatchie River Campsite 25Designated campsite. No obvious outhouse44.07250675167277,-74.92949519999124
Oswegatchie River Campsite 22No obvious outhouse.44.07231405159984,-74.92858911655944
Oswegatchie River Campsite 28No obvious outhouse. On narrow strip of land between river and hiking trail.44.07152841600008,-74.9384951811928
Oswegatchie River Campsite 27Designated site. No outhouse.44.071498659692026,-74.93377315442581
Oswegatchie River Campsite 17No obvious outhouse.44.07030826156362,-74.9119367954832
Oswegatchie River Campsite 26Designated site. No outhouse. Former site of guide art leary’s camp.44.06982014142839,-74.93214452928088
Oswegatchie River Campsite 29Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.069703084074106,-74.94295216734594
Oswegatchie River Campsite 31Designated site. No outhouse.44.06949136260463,-74.94796488517912
Oswegatchie River Campsite 16With full sized outhouse.44.06919421410159,-74.90997016838134
Oswegatchie River Campsite 30Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.06892407580466,-74.94610904969508
High Falls No. 2 Lean-ToAlso here, Oswegatchie river campsite 13. With full sized outhouse.44.06891348697742,-74.9113129664397
High Falls No. 1 Lean-ToAlso here, Oswegatchie river campsite 15. With full sized outhouse.44.06890982511321,-74.90939691179359
Oswegatchie River Campsite 14Shares outhouse with lean-to.44.06848762867845,-74.90903933983748
Oswegatchie River Campsite 12Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.06701056940781,-74.90417255789619
Oswegatchie River Campsite 10Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.06096855932064,-74.88818835643873
Oswegatchie River Campsite 9Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.05997161595347,-74.88627678133585
Oswegatchie River Campsite 8Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.05339349849945,-74.8716957113609
Oswegatchie River Campsite 6Designated site. No outhouse.44.04936909651902,-74.86294215811668
Oswegatchie River Campsite 5Designated campsite. No outhouse.44.048445662452906,-74.86176785303444
Oswegatchie River Campsite 4 44.04369429633436,-74.85751646996977
Oswegatchie Canoe Carry Hand LaunchHand carry launch, canoe launch44.04330626616994,-74.85744713528497


  • Arne van Leuken says:

    I’ve been following your maps for years, often use them as resources for my trips. Wondering if you had any thoughts on a trail or portage that would link Stillwater Reservoir to the upper Oswegatchie so I take a new it down stream from its highest point down into Inlet? There seems to be a possibility of canoeing up Alder Creek and possibly a trail, but can’t see anything to verify that this is a doable route. I’ve done the Low’s Lake traverse, looking for something different and challenging.

  • David J. Miller says:

    The Red Horse Trail leads north from Stillwater Reservoir about 1/3 of the way to the Oswegatchie. After that it seems to be a bushwack.

    A google search will turn up trip reports of Stillwater to Oswegatchie treks. For example:


    Probably a packraft would be the best craft for such a trip.

  • Jim says:

    Is there a map 4? a map that shows past campsite 9 and beyond?

    Any thoughts on being able to paddle/portage from the upper oswegatchie (near campsite 4) to Moose Bay on Lows Lake?

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