The Woods

Rendering Raccoon Fat & Uses

Another great way to utilize more of your catch is to render down the fat. In this video I show you how it's done and a few of the great uses of rendered fat.

Muzzeloading 101

I've never owned or shot a muzzleloader, never got my tag. But I know a lot of real old timers and conservationist types love the whole muzzleloading scene after regular rifle season gets done.

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation – Home Sweet Home – Elk Return to West Virigina

"West Virginia is known by many as the Mountain State. But for more than a century, those mountains lacked one of its long-time residentsβ€”the wild, free-ranging elk. Now, thanks to the efforts of cooperating state wildlife agencies, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and its fired-up volunteers, elk are back the ground on their historic West Virginia range. The latest group to arrive made it thanks to a cross-country trek and a pay-it-forward attitude from a fellow elk state some 1,000 miles away."