US Census

Maps that look at the US Census at the macro-perspective of all counties in the United States.

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Move to Minnesota for a Long Life

The median age of a manπŸ‘¨ in United States is 36.1 while the median age of womenΒ πŸ‘© is 38.8 — women are nearly 3 years older on average compared to men.

This is largely due to the fact that men die earlier then women ⚰ — the median death age for men in our country is 76 years, while the median death age for women is 81 years.

The best state to live in for a long life is MinnesotaΒ πŸ„ — men die there on average at 79 years, while women live until 83. In Hawaii though, women last even longer — the median life expectancy for women in Hawaii is nearly 85 years. πŸ–

Median Income Distribution by State

When you look at Census Tracts in Vermont, you will notice that most of them are close to $60k for the medium household income, with it tapering off quickly in both directions. Connecticut on the other hand, has some very wealthy and very poor census tracts, and a few exceptionally wealthy ones.

Median Income Distribution by State