Bluestone Wild Forest

Located at one of the most popular gateways to the Catskill Park, the 3,000-acre Bluestone Wild Forest, just 3 miles west of historic Kingston in Ulster County has something for everyone. Developed access is provided to Onteora Lake off State Route 28, one of the few publicly accessible lakes in the Catskills. Its lake, ponds, trails, old quarries, hemlock and oak forests on gently rolling hills – and an occasional cliff- are ideal for hiking, mountain biking, fishing, hunting and cross-country skiing. Bluestone WF is in the Towns of Hurley, Woodstock, Ulster and Kingston. This wild forest consists of numerous smaller parcels scattered throughout the region and a loosely connected mosaic of parcels making up the largest piece between Zena Road (Route 39) and Route 209, which is described below.

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