Christman Sanctuary

The Nature Conservancy acquired the original 97 acres in 1970 from Lansing and Lucille Christman, son and daughter-in-law of William W. Christman. The site is a Registered National Historic Landmark listed by the New York State Historic Trust. Lands adjacent to the Christman Sanctuary are the focus of continued protection efforts by the Conservancy and local land trusts.

A highlight of the Christman Sanctuary is the Bozenkill, with its 30-foot waterfall and numerous lesser cascades. Alternate layers of sandstone and shale are found in the large pool at the foot of the waterfall.

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Main Falls on the Bozen Kill

The main attraction of the Bozen Kill -- the big(ger) waterfalls down by the lean-to at Christman Sanctuary. Only a few people there today because it was a weekday, although they had a volunteer crew working to re-hab the lean-to.