Mountain Pond

Mountain Pond is a small, narrow lake, located along Old Route 30, just 2 miles north of Paul Smiths. Offers 6-roadside camping spots, along with a secluded, lesser used pond, near Barnum Pond and Osgood Pond.

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Baking in Dutch Oven

That sure smells good, doesn't it. I put the pan that the mix was in dutch oven up on rocks, so it didn't burn the bottom of the cake, and made sure to add adequate coals to the top to keep things cooking evenly.

Saturday August 14, 2010 — Mountain Pond

Central Part of Lake

On the left is the western shore, by where NY 30 runs. It is a beautiful, if not humongous lake with lots of shoreline and bys.

Saturday August 14, 2010 — Mountain Pond


While this picture is somewhat in shadow, there where loons on Mountain Pond. They were not all that noisy, compared to Polliwog Pond or especially Mason Pond, where they howled quite bit more in the evening.

Saturday August 14, 2010 — Mountain Pond

Campsite No 4

This is campsite No 4 at Mountain Pond. A nice campsite, big, roomy, and private, although the much smaller Campsites 5 is fairly close.

Saturday August 14, 2010 — Mountain Pond